A FATHER and son duo have completed a mammoth 3,400-mile ‘reverse pilgrimage’ cycle ride from Cyprus to Canterbury. 

Geoff Sherwood, 68, was joined by son Will, 29, from St Luke's Church in Parkstone set off in May on the grueling challenge. 

The pair spent 58 days cycling to raise £5,000 for international charity Christian Aid and its appeal to help people recovering from the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. 

Starting in Paphos, the pair cycled back to England via Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Italy, Switzerland and France. 

Geoff, a former IT specialist, said: “We knew we’d be in Turkey for around three weeks, visiting many places preached at, or passed through, by St Paul on his three missionary journeys.  

“Among the locations were many close to those impacted by the earthquakes last year - we were closest on our first day in Turkey, landing in Tasucu and passing through Silifke on our way to Magara.  

“Because of this, we thought it would be appropriate to use our journey to raise money to assist the continuing support for those affected by the disaster.” 

The 6.4 magnitude earthquake and the aftershocks which followed killed 58,000 people and flattened buildings, schools and hospitals. 

One year on, Christian Aid reports some two million people still need help, having lost their homes and suffered through severe flooding and storms.  

Geoff said his and Will’s epic journey went well without too many mishaps, with the exception of a minor fall for Will towards the end. 

“He was determined to continue to the finish, despite having to cycle slowly for the remaining four days effectively using just one leg,” Geoff added. 

“We were largely treated to fine weather, a little rain and quite cold conditions early on when crossing the central Turkish plateau (Galatia), but then hot until we reached the River Po in northern Italy, when we had our first all-day rain. 

“This, plus the ride up to the Great St Bernard Pass, our highest point at 2,469m, were my hardest moments.” 

The pair found places to camp or sleep via a cyclists’ accommodation website called WarmShowers, but were also helped out by strangers they met along the way.  

Geoff and Will’s fundraiser can be found on JustGiving’s website.