Christchurch, nestled along the picturesque coastline of Dorset, boasts a rich history and charming character. Let's soar through the skies and explore Christchurch from above in the mid-2000s.

Imagine yourself in a light aircraft, gently buzzing over the town. Below you stretches the emerald expanse of the Christchurch Harbour. Leisure boats bob gently on the water, dwarfed by the imposing bulk of the historic priory church, its stone facade making it stand out against the azure canvas of the sky.

Following the river inland, we see the bustling heart of Christchurch. The winding High Street, lined with quaint shops and traditional pubs, appears like a ribbon of activity.

The distinctive black and white timber-framed buildings, a hallmark of the town's heritage, stand proudly amongst their more modern counterparts.

We can easily appreciate the patchwork of green fields that surround the town. The meandering River Avon snakes its way through the landscape, a vital artery for wildlife and a haven for nature lovers.