A SHOPLIFTING seagull has been caught red-beaked stealing crisps from a Weymouth store.

The business has had to take action against their bird-brained thief who has persistently targeted the crisp shelf near the shop's entrance.

Staff at Central on Portland Road in Wyke Regis have added a sign to their door to warn customers not to let their "resident shoplifter" into the store.

 The sign on the door of Central on Portland RoadThe sign on the door of Central on Portland Road (Image: Tom Lawrence)

The sign says: "Please close the door behind you to keep our resident shoplifter out!!"

The seagull, named Steven by staff members, has gained a reputation for stealing crisps from the shelf nearest to the entrance to the store.

Steven lurking outside the shopSteven lurking outside the shop (Image: Tom Lawrence)

Sally Toogood, a supervisor at Central on Portland Road spoke about the shop's resident thief, saying that Steven has stolen two boxes worth of crisps in the last few weeks.

She said: "He hangs around outside, waits for any opportunity to come in and grab a packet of crisps.

"He takes it off the shelf, shakes it open and all of his mates come down as well.

"The door sometimes gets left open, I used to open it whenever I mopped the floor and I would see that he had been in.

Central on Portland Road in Wyke RegisCentral on Portland Road in Wyke Regis (Image: Tom Lawrence)

"I think it is the same seagull.

"I was stood outside one day, the door was open and I was stood in front of the door. Even then he tried to fly in.

"One day he had taken a few more bags so our manager decided to put a sign up to try and bring down the amount he takes.

"He has taken about two boxes worth of crisps just in the last few weeks.

Forbidden fruit: The crisp aisle which Steven has targetedForbidden fruit: The crisp aisle which Steven has targeted (Image: Tom Lawrence)

"He now comes down and taps on the window.

"The sign has got a lot of people talking about it."

Steven often reaches for the nearest flavour on the bottom of the self, near the door.

Staff have now tried to put him off by putting 'Flamin' Hot Walker Max' in this position, trying to ward the seagull off with an unwelcome spicy surprise.