NEARLY 500 reports of dog excrement in public areas were reported by members of the public in the last two years in the BCP area.

New data has revealed that there were 451 complaints of dog poo in public areas since 2023.

Between 2022 and 2024, there were 791 complaints of dog poo across Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch in public areas.

The data was collected by Vitasure, a canine supplement company that serves across the UK.

Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Council were included in the findings along with 270 other Councils across England.

Speaking about the findings, Councillor Andy Hadley, Portfolio Holder for Climate Response, Environment and Energy said: "Every dog owner has a responsibility to pick up after their dog and it is against the law not to pick up.

“As well as being unpleasant to see and step in, it can also be dangerous to children and other dogs, as well as causing damage to the natural environment.

"If there are large amounts of fouling or evidence of a persistent problem in a particular area, we will use a combination of education and enforcement action.

“For example, we may erect temporary signage, increase patrols in the area, and give advice to dog owners.

"Issuing of fixed penalty notices (FPN) for this offence is an ongoing challenge due to the need to tie the event to an individual and their animal.

"Many dog owners are responsible and go out for walks equipped to clean up after their pets; we need all dog owners to do so.

"If residents are concerned about fouling incidents, they can report them online on our website."

The Bournemouth Daily Echo also asked residents via social media for their opinion of the dog fouling situation.

One person commented: “Leaving poo is disgusting but putting it in a bag and leaving it, or hanging it from a branch, putting it on a bench is ridiculous.”

Another person wrote: “It's disgusting, but not the dog's fault, people should take it home or dispose of it in the bins provided.”