A COUNCIL committee that was split into two to reduce the workload and allow for better decision-making is spending more money on two chairs. 

BCP Council’s planning committee chair received up until last year £11,566 before it was divided into eastern and western areas earlier this year. 

Under now-agreed allowance schemes, the two elected chairs of the committees will now receive £8,674 each for their role – or a total spend of £17,348 on the two chairs. 

However, it’s also possible for the same chair to be elected into both committees.  

The current chair of the western committee is Marion Le Poidevin and the eastern one is chaired by Paul Hilliard. 

Marion Le Poidevin will receive an income cutMarion Le Poidevin will receive an income cut

Cllr Le Poidevin, the former chair of the previous whole committee, said that although she is the only councillor to have their income cut, she is not upset about it. 

“Because it’s entirely justified that the chairs of the two planning committees should be receiving a smaller SRA than what I did as chair of one,” she said. 

“But if the same person is chairing both planning committees, then they should be adequately remunerated.” 

A full council meeting also saw councillors agree to spend £2,316 on two members of the public to get involved in the environment and place scrutiny committee. 

Conservative councillor Cameron Adams said he “thought the council was skint” and called out the extra money that is being spent on allowances. 

He said he was against the two independent members and the second planning committee as it’s “spending money on council bureaucracy”. 

“It may only be a net increase of £9k a year, but it’s £30k over the next four years – it's not justifiable and could be spent on costs such as the Redhill paddling pool,” he said. 

Opposition leader Phil Broadhead agreed: “Like others, I was dubious around the costs of a whole new planning committee and we’ve already seen one cancelled though a lack of business.” 

Council leader Millie Earl said: “We need to push on with this as soon as we can to get something in place. It’s all relative and it should take into consideration all of the work we do.” 

On the split planning committee, Cllr Earl said it is “absolutely right” there is a split so councillors can get to know the area better. 

“For a lot of people who may live in Hamworthy and never visited Highcliffe, it can feel miles apart,” she said. 

The basic allowance for one of BCP Council’s 76 elected politicians will receive £14,458 for the financial year 2024/25. 

And these figures change depending on whether a councillor chairs or vice chairs a committee. Cllr Earl can claim up to £31,320 in allowances for her role as leader.