PLANS have been lodged to install a self-service jet wash for car washing at a supermarket petrol station.

Tesco has applied to add the new service to its petrol station at Tower Park in Yarrow Road, Poole.

A design and access statement, submitted by Hamlee Build on behalf of the applicant, said: “Customers are becoming less inclined to use hand car wash facilities due, as it appears, to the increasing cost of registered operations, time and lack of control.

“A self-service jet wash allows the customer to clean their vehicle whenever it is convenient to them, without having to wait or schedule an appointment.

“The self-service jet wash provides complete control over the washing process allowing the customer to target specific areas of the vehicle body, wheels or undercarriage.

“They are more cost effective if used on a frequent basis, than a hand car wash. The self-service jet wash can be more time efficient and guarantees privacy for the customer.”

Two screens would be built at the petrol station, with a glazed front screen and a solid rear screen for the car washing area, with space for cars to pull into the cleaning area.

The jet wash itself would be located against the rear screen.

A neighbour consultation will run until August 16, with no date set at this stage for a decision.