A FUNDRAISER has been set up for a father and son who lost their home and all their belongings in a suspectedl arson attack.

Jacob Jessopp, 22, was forced to smash his way out of the flat on Jewell Road, Townsend, when a fire broke out at around 1am on July 13.

Jacob lives with his father, Julian Jessopp but was alone at the time of the incident.

His sister, Katherine Thorburn, said Jacob was woken by the fire alarm and had to climb onto the flat roof, after breaking the window, and wait for the fire service to rescue him.

Jacob escaped the fire with nothing apart from the clothes on his back and Katherine has since set up a Go Fund Me.

“Unfortunately, they didn’t have contents insurance so we’re trying to replace some of their items,” said Katherine.


22-year-old forced to smash way out of burning flat in fire

Early hours flat fire being treated as suspicious

She added that Jacob has autism and Julian is disabled so the pair spent most of their time in their home.

Jacob was also hoping to start a photography college course in September, but his camera was in the flat at the time of the fire.

“On the whole he [Jacob] is trying to stay positive about the whole situation, but he is getting a bit frustrated and bored not being able to do the things he would usually do and having to find other things to occupy himself.”

Katherine said that Jacob has always lived in the same flat but is beginning to come to terms with the fact he most likely will not be able to go back.

Since the fire Jacob and Julian have been staying at a Travelodge and currently have no permanent accommodation lined up.

“Thankfully they are managing to get breakfast and dinner at the hotel so just have to manage lunch and we have been helping with washing their clothes, so they seem to be managing so far.”

The Go Fund Me titled ‘home lost in fire’ has raised just over £1,000 which has helped provide the pair with necessities such as clothes, food and toiletries.

Katherine said Jacob and Julian are “shocked and pleased” of the generosity of the community.

Dorset Police said enquiries are ongoing to establish the cause of the fire but it is being treated as suspicious.