A BOURNEMOUTH mum and ex-nurse with a life-limiting condition is calling on donations for life-changing surgery.

Abi Jolley, a nurse for almost 20 years, lives in Bournemouth with her husband and 18-year-old son. But she has also spent most of the recent years of her life admitted to hospital.

(Image: Abi Jolley)

She was diagnosed with Gastroparesis and Bowel Dysmotility which has severely impacted her life.

Speaking on her experience, the 46-year-old said: “About three and a half years ago, it was Christmas time and I was starting to feel sick every time I ate and get a reflux.

“I went into hospital for a blood test and they said I was in a nutritional crisis and would have died if I didn't come in and had a tube put down to feed me.

“I was due to get married in June, so I kept asking to have the tube out but the doctor said: ‘I don't think you're ever going to eat again.’

“That was a complete shock, I went to London to get a second opinion and they agreed and said, 'your stomach's not working, it's paralysed'.

(Image: Abi Jolley)

“Then my condition escalated because the feeding tube goes into my stomach and sits in my bowel, but I vomit six, seven, eight times a day and then that can flip the tube into my stomach.

“I've had this tube replaced 18 times and every time I replace it. It's by gastroscopy, so it's become quite traumatic now and then that happens every two, three, four months.

“It's just got to the point that I don't feel like I'm really living anymore, I'm just kind of existing.”

Now, Abi needs a gastric pacemaker that could be life-changing to her day-to-day life.

The pacemaker used to be on the NHS but seven years ago, this was revoked and now it costs £30,000.

Abi’s friends and colleagues have set up a GoFundMe for the surgery, titled: ‘Gastric Pacemaker Surgery’ where donations can be made.

Abi also wishes to raise awareness for Guts UK, she added: “Guts UK hasn't really been known for a long time, they're a new charity that is trying to support all people with guts and gastro conditions and they do everything they can to support people like me.”