Thousands lined the streets of Christchurch as the town kicked off its 96th annual carnival with a bang 20 years ago.

That year's Disney-themed extravaganza saw a clash of titans as Captain Hook and his crew battled for glory against the likes of 101 Dalmatians and Monsters Inc.

The Christchurch Lions Club embraced their name with a Jungle Book-inspired entry, featuring five-year-old Lauren Deacon as Mowgli. Meanwhile, Marmion Green's Peter Pan production boasted a cast of 24, including nine-year-old Cassie Graham as Tinkerbell and eight-year-old Frazer Dean as Peter Pan. Richard Wilson, who played Captain Hook, called for more street entries in future, believing it to be the future of Christchurch carnival.

Just Friends from Somerford brought Mickey Mouse magic to the parade with their 'Mickey's World of Carnival' theme. The group, made up of 20 friends ranging from two to 67 years old, showcased a dazzling array of homemade costumes representing countries from Spain to China.

The carnival was a spectacular affair when it took place on August 15, 2004, with two super clowns, Ray Iles and Tim Andrews, joining the procession from Shilling Okeford.

In addition to Christchurch's own carnival queen, Chloe Smith, and princess, Charlotte Payne, the event welcomed queens from Bournemouth, the Friends and Residents of the Grange (FROGS), and Swanage.

The Christchurch Scout and Guide Band, in collaboration with Dorset Youth Marching Band and the Dolphin Marching Band, provided a lively soundtrack to the parade. The coveted salver for the visiting queens went to Swanage, with Bournemouth and FROGS taking second and third place respectively.