POLICE officers have been awarded a 4.75 per cent increase in pay by the government.

The increase in salary is in line with what was recommended to ministers by the Police Remuneration Review Body.

Chancellor Rachael Reeves made the announcement in parliament.

Chief Constable Sir Andy Marsh, College of Policing, said: "I welcome this above inflation pay rise for police officers, which goes someway to recognising the unique challenges and risks faced in our profession. 

"Policing is a public service and while it is true that no one becomes a police officer for a large salary, it is still the case that they should be paid a fair salary which reflects the risks they take to protect the public as well as the impact that the role has on their private and family life.

"This uplift will help ease the very real financial pressure on our police workforce and I thank the government for taking this decision in these challenging economic times."