A NIGHT of action aimed at tackling anti-social behaviour will take place this week.

The event, on Friday, August 2, will aim to show how BCP Council and Dorset Police work with other agencies to tackle ASB and protect public safety.

This forms a part of the police’s 100 Days of Summer initiative, which deploys more officers in key areas in the conurbation, including the town centre.

The evening will also aim to demonstrate how this approach is working to reduce littering, ensure businesses are complying with licensing and trading standards, as well as engaging with young people.

Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS) officers and youth engagement officers will be at the evening along with Dorset Police and WISE Litter Enforcement Officers.

The police will be operating a knife arch in Bournemouth Square, which will help to show the risks and consequences of carrying a knife and how the agencies are working to tackle the problem.

Inspector Ady Thompson, of Dorset Police, said: “Dorset Police is committed to creating and maintaining a safe county for everyone.

“Our officers work very closely alongside BCP Council and other partners to tackle ASB, reduce crime and ensure residents and visitors feel safe.

“Our 100 Days of Summer initiative shines a spotlight on the daily patrols we carry out and wider days of action enable us to work even closer with partners to engage with our communities.

“Our officers will use dispersal powers to direct people away from hotspots if they act in an anti-social manner. Repeated ASB by individuals may lead to further action including Community Protection Notices and Criminal Behaviour Orders.”

Councillor Kieron Wilson, portfolio holder for housing and regulatory services at BCP Council, said: “This latest Night of Action is another opportunity for us to demonstrate how we, alongside our partners, are taking action to improve Bournemouth town centre, as well as share some of the positive successes we’re beginning to see as a result of our ongoing partnership.

“Public safety remains our top priority, and I strongly encourage people of all ages to come down and engage with our teams and partners.

"To use the event as an opportunity to ask questions, gain an understanding, challenge and feedback on the work our teams are doing to help improve the area we all care about.

"Your voice and opinions remain critical as we strive toward an improved town centre.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all partner agency and BCP Council teams who continue to work tirelessly to enact positive change in our area.

"There is of course still work to be done and this will take time, but I firmly believe we are headed in the right direction.”

A previous day of action in May saw the council seize 1,279 illegal vapes, 6.8kg of hand-rolling tobacco and 36,980 illegal cigarettes with the support of Dorset Police.