IT'S been an interesting experience being treated by the NHS over several months due to a congenital disability at birth of which I knew very little about due to my family situation and not being told the whole facts.

Despite my situation, I have been able to work from the age of fifteen until retirement age for which I am most grateful.

Having had a bad fall some months ago, I attended the Poole Hospital ATU I saw a Spanish lady doctor who arranged physiotherapy for me within a week, as I had been waiting for physio from my doctor for two years.

I had a Polish and British physiotherapists at both Wimborne and Poole Hospitals for my back, neck, spine and feet, a male doctor from South Africa, who helped me obtain built up shoes and supports for the first time in my life, which helps me walk and balance much better that I have ever done.

I still must learn to walk better, and I am extremely grateful for our NHS and have now ended my course of treatment.

On my last appointment my wife and I had breakfast in Poole hospitals restaurant and University Hospital Dorset and they were having a cultural celebration day that day for all their staff to attend to highlight the diversity and individuality of their UHD Team/ Staff with music, food and entertainment from across the world. Some staff were in costumes.

I met NHS staff who worked in various parts of the hospital in the restaurant, one man from India who said, “he loves England,” a lady from Nepal whose father served in the British Army and a Polish lady and I told them how appreciated they all are.

We can help the NHS too, by volunteering, walks to raise funding etc. We can give back to those who care for us.

Nigel Sibley
