A POOLE woman who holds an exercise class dedicated to having fun and not taking life too seriously is Daily Echo’s Trader of the Week.

Clubbercise is described as an energetic and upbeat dance aerobic workout where the instructors turn off all the lights and hand out glow sticks.

Vicky Frampton holds weekly Clubbercise classes with low and high-impact cardio set to club anthems.

Speaking on the business, Vicky said: “I started off doing classes at David Lloyd but it was a shame because they stopped doing it there so I decided to hold my own classes.

“I've been going about two and a half years and just because I love it, I used to dance as a child and I  just want to make exercise fun.

“Going to the gym is boring.

“I have so many different clients that come literally just to get out for an hour, get some me time, as we call it, and just let loose where you don't have to think about anything.

“The lights are nice and dim. You haven't got to be worried that anyone's watching you. You can just let yourself free but actually get exercise at the same time. It's great because you get to dance like no one is watching.

“Everybody's got their own character and a different way of doing it.”

Although the classes look enticing, the classes are primarily dedicated to adults however kids can indulge in the sessions over the summer at specialised classes.

Vicky always received positive feedback on her fun-filled high-intensity classes.

Speaking about all things Clubbercise, she added: “It’s great fun dancing in the dark to 90s/00s clubland tunes and having a laugh with your mates as you know you have no co-ordination but no one cares and there is zero judgement.

“Everyone else is too busy waving their glowsticks in the air and watching me they don't notice what you're doing.”

Classes cost £5 per person and are generally held on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Canford Heath Community Centre.

For more information about classes, go to Vicky’s Facebook page titled: “Clubbercise Poole with Vicky’.