AN inmate threw a cup of liquid onto a prison officer whilst serving time in a Dorset prison.

Elliot Gooding, aged 26, appeared via video link at Weymouth Magistrates Court on August 1, to plead guilty to assault by beating of an emergency worker.

This relates to an incident at HMP Guys Marsh near Shaftesbury on February 20, 2023, where Gooding threw a cup of unknown clear liquid onto prison officer Lee Stones.

Siobhan Oxley, prosecuting, said: "The prison officer was talking to a colleague when Gooding walked between them both and threw clear fluid over his shirt."

The court heard that the victim believed it to have been urine, though no tests could have been conducted to verify this.

Ms Oxley added: "(Gooding) did try to run away from it but he was restrained by officers."

In his victim statement, Mr Stones stated that he had been making changes that the prisoners did not like and thought this was 'payback' - adding that he did not believe Gooding had been acting alone.

Gooding has 11 convictions for 18 offences and is now at HMP Erlestoke, Wiltshire.

Lee Christmas, mitigating said: "He has pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and this was over a year and a half ago.

"It was one incident where he had an issue with a prison officer and he decided to throw it on him. It was just water. It was not thrown on his face but on his shirt."

The court heard that Gooding has been using his time constructively in prison to prepare for a potential career in construction, and is due for release.

Gooding was given a three-week custodial sentence suspended for 12 months.

Gooding must also pay £300 in compensation to Mr Stones and a £156 victim surcharge.