A BOURNEMOUTH-based PR agency has been purchased by a marketing business.

Darren Northeast PR Ltd (DNPR) has been acquired by Bournemouth-based marketing business The Inspiration Agency.

The business acquisition doubles the size of The Inspiration Agency, which will now offer a full suite of PR services in addition to its other marketing services that include branding, design, websites and social media.

All staff employed by DNPR are transferring to The Inspiration Agency, while founder, Darren Northeast, will continue as a consultant to oversee the handover.

Louise Seager, founder and director of The Inspiration Agency, said: “It’s a proud moment for me and The Inspiration Agency to acquire such a well-known and well-regarded company.

“I, and the team at The Inspiration Agency are very excited at what the future holds.”

Darren, who founded the business in 2005, said: “I’ve put my heart and soul into this business. It’s been my every waking moment for nearly 20 years – and I’m incredibly proud of what it’s achieved as well, as the clients past and present and of course all the team members over the years who have come and gone – all of which have helped make all this happen.

“To see it go on, grow bigger, better and for it to open new avenues under the ownership of The Inspiration Agency is just fantastic.”