HUNDREDS of counter-protesters turned up in Bournemouth to demonstrate against a rumoured far-right protest.

The demonstration, near the Roundhouse Hotel, was sparked by rumours that there would be a far-right demonstration in the town on Wednesday night.

There were no arrests made during the protest but one person was ordered to not return to the area for 12 hours.

Police estimated that there were about 160 people in total at the gathering.

Speaking about the Bournemouth protests, Labour MP Tom Hayes said: “Last night we saw decency prevail. We saw the best of British prevail.

“I was so proud to see people out counter-protesting the far-right thuggery that we've seen in recent days.”

“My social media and my emails are inundated by people who want our town to be safe and who want the best for our town. It's not in their name that we're seeing these far-right protests happening across the country.

“I've been reaching out to our communities who feel particularly vulnerable right now just to check in on them, see how they're doing.

“They're so proud of the response they've been seeing by local people standing with them in solidarity against this far right thuggery.

“The risks of further far right thuggery clearly are not going away at the moment. But the police are working all hours, supported by the government, to make sure they've got the resources they need, and I'm confident that we're going to come through this.”

Dorset Police Crime and Commissioner David Sidwick said: “[Wednesday] night across the country saw a majority of peaceful demonstrations take place - thanks to robust, effective policing and to the approach taken by those who chose to protest.

"My thanks go to our officers and to those from Devon and Cornwall police who stood in Bournemouth last night, shoulder to shoulder, in order to prevent disorder and to protect the public.

"I want to thank them for what they did and what they continue to do. I recognise just how intensely demanding the job they are having to do is right now and I know that every right minded citizen would want to thank them too."

The next planned protest is due to take place at Bournemouth Town Council on August 18.