TRAVELLERS have set up an encampment at Upton Country Park.

A group of 14 vans, motorhomes and caravans are "blocking lots of cars" in the car park, according to one witness.

The witness said: "There are approximately seven or eight, but they are blocking spaces and access points in car park," adding the police have also arrived.

A spokesman for Dorset Police said officers have attended to "liaise" with the travellers and will monitor the situation.

He said: "Dorset Police received a report at 6.45pm on Thursday 8 August relating to a small unauthorised encampment in Upton Country Park in Poole.

"Officers have attended the site and are liaising with those present as well as the local authority.

"We will continue to monitor the situation and work with our local partners and will take appropriate further action if required."

BCP Council, the authority that runs Upton Country Park off Poole Road, added: “We are aware that an encampment has formed at Upton Country Park and consists of 14 units.

“Our staff have attended the site to confirm this fact and to carry out the statutory welfare and educational needs assessment.

“Necessary risk assessments have been made in order to determine the level of support to be given to the group. Police aware.”

(Image: Sent in by reader)