TWIN Sails Bridge will reopen this evening after it was reported by the harbour commissioner as “not yet ready”. 

BCP Council has said the £34m bridge that has been broken since May 17 will reopen to traffic this evening on Friday, August 9. 

Just yesterday, Poole Harbour Commissioners said the bridge is “not yet ready” in a notice to mariners. 

And just three hours before the council announced it will reopen, a spokeswoman said she “cannot give an exact date and time that the bridge will be functional until the repair is complete and tested”. 

(Image: Daily Echo)

Cabinet member for the authority Andy Hadley said: “Getting the Twin Sails bridge re-opened has been a priority. 

“Our teams have worked hard and engaged with specialist contractors and manufacturers to get these repairs complete. 

“There have been over 20 test lifts today, giving us confidence in the repairs, and the bridge will continue to be monitored over the weekend and into next week. 

“We continue to work on the long-term plan for the bridge, including identifying suitable funding sources to restore the bridge to full service. 

“I would like to thank everyone for their patience whilst the repair works have been carried out.” 

Read more: Surprise, surprise! Twin Sails Bridge 'not yet ready' for reopening

The Twin Sails Bridge has been somewhat of a disaster this summer for the council: it was first closed on May 17 for a regular inspection.

Then, two days later, Cllr Hadley said “additional investigation and remedial works” were needed to work out and solve a problem.  

He anticipated it would be reopened to traffic and pedestrians in “mid-June”.  

But then, in mid-June, it was expected to be reopen on July 14. And then earlier this month Cllr Hadley “the bridge will be back operating on the regular schedule from the week commencing 12 August”.