AN application for six new flats in Christchurch high street has been determined by the council.

Prior approval has been granted for a change of use from retail to residential at 38 High Street.

Oraco Properties Limited has plans to introduce flats above and to the rear of the unit, which was formerly home to M&Co.

The developer said the proposal would only involve the change of use of a ‘small proportion’ of the ground floor, at the rear of number 38, which was ‘not formally used as shop floor’, and instead was used for staff areas, changing rooms and storage.

Christchurch Town Council showed support for the scheme, but with conditions, which included the completion of a conservation study ‘to identify the unique architectural characteristics of the building, ensuring they are retained during the works’.

A BCP planning officer recommending the scheme for approval said: “There would not appear to be any conditions, limitations or restrictions to prevent the submitted prior notification application being approved.

“The proposed development would not result in any material impact on highway safety or capacity or the amenity of the future occupants and there are no issues regarding flood risk or contamination or noise.

“No comments have been received from interested third parties.”

A requirement to complete a conservation study was not included in the conditions, as suggested by the town council.