YOUTHS were caught in possession of a knife and a bag of cannabis in Canford Heath.

Poole neighbourhood policing teams were on foot patrols in Halstock Park when they noticed two young people acting suspiciously and hiding in the undergrowth.

It was clear to officers that one of the teens had a bag of cannabis in his hands, and therefore, under section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, a search was conducted.

Marijuana was located, as well as a knife, which both have been seized and disposed of.

A spokesperson for Poole Police said: “Some young people think if you carry a knife then it will provide protection. Statistics show that if you carry a knife or weapon, then you are more likely to end up being hurt. You can be seen as threatening and might also end up being hurt by your own weapon.

“Carrying a knife increases your risk of being injured. It also increases the risk of the people around you being injured, and can cause great distress and upset to your family.”

The spokesperson added: “Having a criminal record could stop you gaining entry into college, university, getting a job and place restrictions if you plan to travel.”