POOLE Coastguard helped to move a casualty from the beach near Bournemouth Pier in the early hours of the morning. 

Tasked to assist Southbourne Coastguard, Poole Coastguard was called out on August 14 at around 1.50am to evacuate a casualty from the beach east of Bournemouth Pier. 

The person was taken off the beach to a place of safety on a mud stretcher with the Poole team tasked to stay with the casualty before the ambulance service arrived on scene. 

A spokesperson for Poole Coastguard said: "Tasked by the joint rescue coordination centre to assist Southbourne Coastguard with a casualty evacuation from the beach of an individual.

"Using our mud stretcher, the casualty was manoeuvred off the beach to a place of safety.

"The Southbourne team were then requested to attend another incident to the east. The Poole team remained with this casualty.

"South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust arrived on scene and additional checks and care was carried out.

"The onward transport of the casualty was then organised between all parties. After the JRCC confirmed they were content with our actions. The team stood down with thanks and returned to the station."

The Daily Echo contacted South Western Ambulance Service for comment.