EVICTION notices have been issued to people sleeping in tents on the beach.

Photographs taken on Wednesday morning show clusters of tents on Bournemouth beach and under the pier.

BCP Council confirmed it was aware of the tents, and had used its legal powers to serve eviction notices.

The local authority is also part of a multi-agency approach dealing with homeless people who sleep in tents on the beach, working closely with St Mugo’s and CSAS to provide support to these individuals.

Cllr Kieron Wilson, BCP Council's portfolio holder for portfolio holder for housing and regulatory services, said: “We now have a Public Safety Protection Order (PSPO) in place across all of our beaches which addresses loud music, intimidating and aggressive behaviour, urination and defecation and open fires and BBQs.

“Those caught breaking the PSPO risk being issued with an on-the-spot fixed penalty notice of up to £100.

“These measures help our officers effectively tackle the anti-social behaviour associated with overnight visitors and camping on our beaches, and help keep our seafront a safe, welcoming and clean place to visit.

“We continue to enforce the byelaws already in place for sleeping on the beach and collect further evidence as we do this; anyone choosing to sleep overnight on our beaches and break these byelaws risks prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000.”