DORSET Police is warning residents of a planned horse drive due to take place.

A horse drive will take place around Verwood and Three Legged Cross.

Disruption is expected on the roads and there is expected to be a crowd of people during the performance.

A spokesperson for the East Dorset neighbourhood policing team said: “We would like to bring to your attention that the Verwood and Three Legged Cross horse drive is taking place this weekend from August 24 to August 26.

“Dorset Police have been working alongside the organisers of this event in order to try and make it go as smoothly as possible.

“We have also been working alongside our partner agencies and engaging with the local public houses that the drive is heading to.

“We expect the drive to cause disruption on the road but please be patient and allow the horses and riders to get to their destinations safely.

“The drive is expected to take place on the Monday 26th August and will be in the Three-Legged Cross area, Verwood and Holt between the hours of midday and 6pm.”