PEOPLE visited Boscombe Beach with their mats, blankets, fire pits, drums and swimsuits to immerse themselves in a gong bath by the sea.

With a focus on, peace, joy, happiness, harmony, love and togetherness, Vida Mizani organised the free Full Moon Gong Bath with Sounds Alive Therapy.

The event, which took place on August 21, saw dozens of people come to the beach for a “cosmic experience”.

Vida said: “It’s all about bringing the community together in a really lovely place.

“It’s an absolute passion to play the gongs. Scientifically it’s proven to heal people on a cellular level.”

At the Full Moon Gong Bath, Vida invited a gong master who travelled all the way from Norfolk to be at the event.

People sat on mats with blankets and enjoyed listening to the vibrations, chimes and drum music.

Everyone was given a candle and sat around fire pits. Potatoes, bread, hummus and guacamole was shared out to the guests.

Vida added: “The moon gives off a different energy, it helps to get rid of negative feelings; it’s like a rebirth.”