A FORMER mayor has donated to a charity helping young people to achieve their dreams.

Cllr Toni Coombs, past Mayor of Verwood, has donated equipment to the John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation (JTYAF).

JTYAF was formed by Peter and Linda Thornton following the loss of their son whilst on duty in Afghanistan.

The charity runs on a shoestring using all monies raised to directly benefit the young people of Dorset in achieving their individual dreams and aspirations.

Using funds from her Mayor’s Charity, Cllr Coombs has donated a new gazebo to the charity which has been emblazoned with the charity details in order to help raise their profile at fundraising events.

Cllr Coombs said: “I am thrilled to be able to help this small but important local charity as I have seen the benefits their grants have made to our local young people.

"They have turned a personal tragedy into a force for good and ensuring that John is never forgotten.”