A DORSET support worker with a talented side hustle as a baker is Daily Echo’s Trader of the Week.

Natalie owns Cake Art Co, a bakery business situated in Ashley Cross.

Before moving to Dorset last year, Natalie lived in Hampshire where her baking skills got her a gig at creating cakes for the Southampton football team.

(Image: Cake Art Co)

One of Natalie’s cakes was also featured on a national magazine.

Natalie said: “I’ve been a cake designer/baker for 14 years.

“Two of my biggest career highlights were most definitely being asked by Emily and Adam Lallana to make their wedding cake and Jack and Freya Cork's wedding cake.

“The Cork's wedding cake went on to be featured in OK! Magazine and Wedding Flowers & Accessories magazine.

“That was an amazing feeling.

“Dorset is a beautiful place to live, I love the beaches and the way of life here.

(Image: Cake Art Co)

“I love creating unique and detailed pieces of edible art. I have been so very fortunate as I come from very artistic genes."

Natalie added: “Seeing people’s reactions when I show them what I have created for them is just so rewarding. Many of my customers trust me enough to give me free rein to produce an artistic masterpiece

“I am always looking to grow my business.

“Currently I am a support worker for people with dementia as well as running my business. Both of my jobs are incredibly rewarding.”

When asked what she would say to inspiring bakers, Natalie added: “Follow your passion and don’t be afraid to be unique with your creativity.

“It’s very easy as a cake designer to under price your work and it is even harder to explain the cost of materials and labour time etc to customers within your quotes but there is a huge amount of manual labour that goes into baking and the art work involved.

“I love what I do and I really hope that shows in the work I create. It’s so lovely to be able to bring my creativity to another county and meet new customers.”

Commissions for a cake can be made by visiting the Cake Art Co website.