RESIDENTS are up in arms after bins have been left uncollected on a recreation ground “for several weeks”. 

On a visit by the Echo, Wallisdown Recreation Ground near the university had dog poo bags strewn across the floor along with bottles, crisp packets and more. 

Nearby residents are now warning the ground – which also has a children’s play park – is a “health hazard”. 

Wallisdown resident Paul Christopher said the bins have been overflowing “for weeks” and has been trying to report it. 

Litter from overflowing binsLitter from overflowing bins (Image: Bournemouth Echo)

Bins in Wallisdown recBins in Wallisdown rec (Image: Bournemouth Echo)

The 73-year-old said: “People put all their rubbish in the bin but because it’s not being emptied, it’s spreading everywhere. 

“The bags are opened up by vermin and the waste is now all over the field. There’s general waste, plastic bottles, dog waste bags everywhere.” 

Resident Dave Turner hit out at the “silly little bins” provided that “don’t hold any rubbish” and has reported in a bid to get the area tidied up. 

He said: “I reported it to the council twice, but nothing happened, apart from the smaller bin by the changing rooms that gets emptied but not the other ones. 

“I live just round the corner from the rec and I cycle or walk past it so see it often, and it’s such a horrible site. 

“It’s a health and safety issue, too, because some of the bins are right next to a children’s playground.” 

(Image: Bournemouth Echo)

Laura Rogers, whose parents live in the area, said she contacted BU about the litter but was told it’s not their responsibility. 

“Nobody is taking responsibility for it,” she said. “The last two times we’ve been there and walked the dogs around the uni, the bins have been overflowing. 

“They put pressure on dog owners to pick up their poo, but they don’t make it easy for us to put it in the bin when it’s overflowing.” 

Bournemouth University spokesman apologised to the residents for the litter left on the floor. 

He said: "We apologise to our neighbours for the amount of litter left on Wallisdown Recreational Fields over the weekend.  

"As a matter of urgency, we have asked both our grounds maintenance and cleaning contractors to attend the site to remove any remaining litter.   

"We are also in contact with BCP Council parks team and together will review how the fields are cleaned after busy weekends." 

BCP Council lease out the recreation ground to BU and the university manages the site.

Andy Hadley, BCP Council’s cabinet member for the environment, said: “We will be working closely with our partners at the university to help ensure this space remains clean and tidy for the benefit of students and residents, and our grounds team has been working on the clear-up.”