I AM not a smoker myself, and my family have all given up smoking in the past and I don't like the smell of smoking.

However, I think the idea of banning people from smoking outside pubs and hospitals is a step too far in the Big Brother world, Yes - it is bad for the health, but so are many other things such as fatty takeaway foods, sweets and much food now is prepared with sugar in it (or sweeteners which have been proved to be more dangerous) whether you like it or not.

And these are bad for the health too along with drinking. It is always a question of moderation.

I AM retired now, but when I worked it has always been in hospitals - even as a volunteer still. But having been a nurse I know just what pressures they work under -along with many other hospital workers.

To some, smoking is a coping mechanism - over very long shifts and in a very stressful job whatever that may be.

Currently there are special under cover areas designated for smokers outside hospitals.

If you don't like the smoke you avoid the area. Rightly or wrongly cigarette smoking is a form of calming down in an ever increasingly pressured world - and whereas I agree in an ideal world, no-one would smoke and it would be great to wave a magic wand so that it could be eradicated altogether, it is an individual choice as long as it does not intrude on another person's choice or space and smokers use the dedicated areas.

The question is - if you ban smoking anywhere, will this drive people toward finding another form of 'letting off steam' such as drugs - which would be far worse.

Smoking in a car and taking your hand of the wheel is far more dangerous than smoking in a designated outside area.

Please be assured - I don't like smoking, I know the harm it can cause, but I fear that people will be forced to take another avenue which will be much more harmful. People should be encouraged to give up smoking, but not forced to driving it underground.

And I do understand the concern of the pubs and restaurants that while they are struggling to keep going anyway - this is just another 'nail in the coffin' for hospitality as someone said.

Mary Hurst

Uplands Road