A FORMER bank building in the high street could be used as a ‘school’.

Plans have been lodged to convert the former Barclays Bank in Ringwood High Street into an educational facility.

The proposals are by UKG Ltd – a company offering language courses and educational guardians for international students studying in the UK.

To facilitate the changes, UKG has applied to the council to use the building for the provision of education, and make alterations.

These include internal reconfigurations to ‘reoptimise the space’, new signage, the addition of conservation rooflights, and the upgrade of the existing terrace and balustrade.

But UKG has offered assurance that the external fabric of the building would ‘remain much the same’, and its footprint would not be extended.

Proposal floor plans for the ‘school’ show the ground floor as having a classroom, reception, toilet, office, kitchen and break-out areas.

The first floor is shown as having two classrooms, male and female toilets and an office.

The former Barclays BankThe former Barclays Bank (Image: Google Maps)

A design and access statement, prepared by Studio Arkell on behalf of the applicant, reads: “The property is currently vacant. It is our client’s aim to re purpose this property as an educational building. The new use would increase footfall within the town, and boost the local economy.

“The proposed additions will match the appearance of the existing building and wider area by installing sympathetic conservation rooflights. The rear terrace will be altered to be similar to number 4 High Street. It will be sympathetic to the main building through its complimentary shape, styling and finish.

“On this basis it is considered that the proposal will have negligible impact on the street scene appearance from High Street and Friday’s Cross.

“The proposal will not cause harm to the character and appearance of the host building or nearby designated heritage assets.

“It is therefore considered that on tilted balance the proposal will improve the usability of the property, and prolong the longevity of this building within the conservation area.”

New Forest District Council is yet to make a decision on the plans.