A REVIEW looking into the closure of a leisure centre has backed the council’s decision to stop funding. 

Dorset Council cut funding and withdrew from running Queen Elizabeth Leisure Centre in Blandford Road, Wimborne, in March. 

More than 7,000 campaigners who signed a petition and fought to keep it open were this summer promised a review into the decision by Lib Dem council leader Nick Ireland. 

Cllr Ireland said the review would not be a "rubber-stamp of the previous administration" and will be discussed by cabinet on Tuesday, September 10. 

The report, to be given to the cabinet next week, said Dorset Council has contributed £880k towards site and facility improvements at QELC. 

Protesters in March against the closureProtesters in March against the closure (Image: Newsquest)

This includes £276k contributed by the council towards condition work prior to its closure on March 31 and a further £604k provided to Initio Learning Trust as part of the exit arrangements. 

Paul Rutter, service manager for leisure services, said in his report that councillors should note the council “has no legal interest in the leisure centre”.

He added that the future use of the facility “is a matter for the trust to determine”. 

“The council does not own Queen Elizabeth Leisure Centre and its leisure spend across the east Dorset area is considerably higher than other areas of the Dorset Council area,” Mr Rutter said. 

Data from the report shows the east Dorset area has a £14.58 cost per person. In comparison, south Dorset’s spend is 64p per person and south east Dorset is £10.32. 

Dorset Council would also be required to contribute £2.83m of an estimated £4.7m capital cost of works required in the next 25 years, the report added. 

The initial decision to cut funding for QELC was made by the former Conservative administration who withdrew its funding of £550k a year. 

When it did close, 37 staff were made redundant, many of which worked between one and four hours a week, and a further three full time staff were redeployed elsewhere. 

Members of the public are no longer able to use the facilities, although it is now only available to students at Queen Elizabeth’s School (part of Initio Learning Trust). 

The school took over the management of the building and students can use the gym, sports hall, dance studio, hard court, athletics area, and newly re-laid and refurbished astro-turf pitch.