A SEAL pup was taken to a wildlife rescue centre after it was found with multiple injuries.

Moyles Court Wildlife Rescue was alerted to an ‘underweight’ seal pup with a serious eye infection that was affecting its visibility.

Once discovered on the Dorset coast, the seal was transported to a wildlife hospital to receive treatment for its injuries.

A spokesperson for Moyles Court Wildlife Rescue said: “A late night admission of a young seal pup kept us busy until the early hours. 

“The seal, found locally, was cold and underweight.  He has a serious eye infection which has caused ulcers to form in both eyes.

“As with all our admissions he received immediate triage followed by a full veterinary assessment and has been given the medication required to stabilise and hopefully resolve his eye condition.

“He has also received a full examination and assessment here at our hospital by a team member who is an ophthalmic vet and will remain under the care of both veterinary surgeons until fully recovered. 

“Our nursing team which includes an experienced marine mammal medic who is used to handling seals are medicating and tube feeding him every four hours with a ‘fish soup’ providing him with the nutrition that he needs to help him recover. 

“Seals are not normally aggressive animals but a when feeling under threat and defensive deliver a nasty bite.”