A CAMPAIGN against spiking has been launched by Dorset Police who have called it an "abhorrent crime" which can have serious consequences.

The scheme aims to send a message to anyone who thinks it is "ok to spike anyone "for fun" or "more sinister purposes" with an online reporting service now available.

Spiking is when someone puts illegal or prescription drugs into someone else's drink, food, cigarette or vape, or injects someone with a prescription or illegal drugs.

Detective superintendent Neil Wright, the vulnerability lead for Dorset Police said: “Just in case anyone is in any doubt, any form of spiking is illegal and the consequences for anyone found to have spiked another person in any way can be severe, including long custodial sentences. Further crimes committed against a spiked person carry their own penalties.

“Nationally we often see a slight increase in reports of spiking during fresher’s weeks, so we are asking everyone to be aware when they are out, to look out for themselves and their friends.

“We would also like to make it very clear that victims are never to blame and Dorset Police will always listen and take reports of spiking seriously.”

Police nationally received 6,732 reports of spiking between May 2022 and April 2023 but it is believed to be under-reported.

The majority of cases take place are reported to take place in the evening and night-time and most victims are women.

Dorset police and crime commissioner, David Sidwick said: “I am pleased this issue is being highlighted, especially in the month our county welcomes hundreds of new students to our towns.

“Spiking is a cowardly and sinister crime and is rightly taken very seriously by Dorset Police. There is a significant amount of work taking place in our towns with businesses and partners to ensure despicable crimes such as spiking, are tackled robustly and wherever possible, prevented."

Posters will be put up in bars, pubs and clubs throughout the coming weeks to highlight the consequences of spiking another person while signposting people to more information about spiking and how to report it to the police.

For more information, visit Dorset Police's website.