WHAT A nation of banners we have become.

After wanting to ban future Air Festivals, we have complaints about cars driving through Poole Park using a road designed for cars (should cars be banned from London’s Hyde Park and Richmond Park?).

Now we are told oceanaria should all be closed down to stop people “staring at fish cramped in tiny glass boxes” (Letter, 10 September).

Having visited oceanaria around the UK and abroad, I have never seen the “tiny glass boxes” Nicola Harris thinks the fish are housed in. What next? Banning people from having aquaria at home? Then there are all the garden ponds with goldfish, carp, etc that give immense pleasure to adults and children, by watching them, feeding them and having living animals to care for.

Their calming effect on human minds is well known.

Rather than focus on fish in oceanaria, think about the 876 million fish and 4.3 billion shellfish that are killed in the UK every year just to satisfy the human craving for seafood.

Should eating fish be banned?

Charles Durrant

Sovereign Close,
