MOREBUS is offering half price travel for one day later this week. 

World Car Free Day is on Sunday, September 22 and the Poole-based firm is encouraging people to use public transport. 

Anyone using the bus operator’s app will be able to download the special dayrider and enjoy unlimited travel across the region.  

World Car Free Day is an initiative aimed at easing congestion and improving air quality by promoting mass transit, cycling and walking to motorists as alternative methods of travel.  

“At Morebus, we welcome any initiative designed to reduce the harmful effects exhaust emissions have on the environment,” said Andrew Wickham, Morebus managing director.  

“Our newest fleet of buses sport the very latest Euro 6 engine - releasing fewer emissions than the average new diesel car.  

“World Car Free Day ties in perfectly with what we are trying to achieve in the area. Buses provide the perfect and affordable solution to reducing air pollution, so we’re proud to have invested millions of pounds in improving the comfort and reliability of our services here." 

Those taking advantage of the World Car Free Day offer can download the special ABC Zone dayrider ticket on the app for £5.40 using the code CARFREE24.