A VOLKSWAGEN Passat which has severe damage to its left front bumper has been dumped on Ballard Road, near Poole Quay.

Poole resident, Hayley House, first noticed the car on September 17 at 7:30am after she stumbled across it.

Although it looked undamaged from behind, she quickly realised it had a large scrape on its left side and was missing a large part of its front left bumper.

Hayley said: "I just literally walked past it and I thought, the front looks a bit battered. It looked like it was burnt out to start with and it had no number plate on the front.

"My initial reaction was someone's dumped it with no number plates. From the back, it looks like it hasn't been touched."

Hayley has security cameras around her house but shared that the car is just beyond its vision so she is unsure what time the car was parked.

Another car has been reported to have been damaged on Skinner Road.

She said: "I've never seen it in this street before. I've got security cameras all around my house and it hasn't picked it up."

No police had been seen at the scene reported Hayley.

The Daily Echo contacted police who reported that it had no information on the vehicle.