I WOULD like to publicly thank my 'rescuer', who I recently encountered on Tuckton bridge. Returning from Christchurch, my mobility scooter's battery had finally decided that enough was enough, and my speed suddenly reduced down to that of an aged, and arthritic tortoise.

Although I managed to crawl along for a few minutes, while being passed by bemused pedestrians, I soon ground to a complete stop, half way over the bridge.

I was pondering on what was best to do, when a gentleman walked towards me, and kindly offered to help. Apparently he had seen me when driving with his daughter over the bridge, and decided to come to my aid.

He then took it upon himself to push my scooter, with me on it (no light weight), across the bridge, through Tuckton, and without pausing for breath, until we finally reached my home.

He then modestly accepted my thanks, while ensuring that there was nothing else that he could do for me, and then disappeared down the road.

Thank you again sir.

Simon Winwood

Merrivale Avenue