A DEVOTED couple who have spent nearly their whole lives together celebrated a milestone wedding anniversary at a Dorset care home.

Janet and Norman Carey met in 1951 while she was producing a pantomime, and he had gone to assist a photographer.

The pair immediately fell in love.

However, they were separated when Norman was called up for National Service in January 1952.

They both continued to send Valentine's cards to one another until Norman had finished his two years of service and the pair reunited and got married on September 4, 1952.

The happy couple honeymooned at Butlins in Clapham and lived most of their married life in Eastleigh before moving to the care home.

The couple celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary Upton Manor Care Home along with their daughters Juliet Taylor and Janine Williams who sat down to a beautifully set table featuring flowers and chocolate as well as a bottle of bubbly to mark the occasion.

Norman said: “It really was love at first sight. It wasn’t long before I asked Janet to the pictures where we sat in the back row.”

Janet added: “We’ve never gone to bed on an argument, that’s the big secret.”