VIKKI Slade has taken on a new role as part of the Liberal Democrat’s front bench MPs. 

The MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole has been promoted to a 33-member front bench team for the party. 

She will now be the Lib Dem’s spokeswoman for housing, communities and local government – the counter version of Angela Rayner. 

Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey said his new line-up would “stand up for our communities every day on the issues that matter most”. 

The new line-up has left a Liberal Democrat back bench comprising 39 MPs – more than twice the size of the party’s representation in Parliament before July’s general election, when they had 15 MPs. 

Vikki SladeVikki Slade (Image: Richard Crease)

Mrs Slade described the appointment as an "honour", adding she "will not take this responsibility for granted".

The former BCP Council leader said: "I know only too well how local services have been undermined by the massive cuts to funding and the impact this has on our diverse communities."

She added: “I got involved in politics to represent small businesses and the high street, and I am delighted that I now have the opportunity to voice the concerns of retail, hospitality and communities at the highest level, using the planning system to enhance their future alongside my colleagues in the business and trade roles.

“Our country was failed by years of chaos under the previous Conservative government, we face a cost-of-living crisis and a housing emergency.

"We need the new government to work at pace to protect and improve our communities and it is time for the Liberal Democrats to provide proper opposition in Westminster that will hold them to account and champion the people’s priorities."

On his new team, Sir Ed said: “My new front bench will champion the people’s priorities, ensuring we hold the new Government to account as a responsible opposition. 

“I am humbled by the result of the general election and the millions of voters who put their trust in the Liberal Democrats, including many for the first time. 

“We will stand up for our communities every day on the issues that matter most, fixing health and care services, tackling the cost-of- living crisis and protecting our precious environment. 

“I am so proud of my entire team of 72 Liberal Democrat MPs who will serve as strong local champions in Westminster as we clean up the mess left by the Conservative government.” 

Mrs Slade, the twice former leader of BCP Council, remains a councillor for her hometown of Broadstone, which she is entitled to do. 

Sir Ed DaveySir Ed Davey

Last week in Parliament, she urged the Labour government to take action on the SEND funding crisis. 

BCP Council had a £35.8m deficit in the dedicated school grant funding in 2022/23 and there have been warnings that the council could become insolvent in 2026 if the matter is not resolved. 

But BCP Council’s deficit overall has reached £64 million, with reserves at just £65 million. 

Mrs Slade warned: "Without urgent action, they will be unable to set a legally balanced budget in February.” 

If a legally balanced budget cannot be delivered, a section 114 will be issued to BCP Council by the government, meaning the local authority will lose control over how it spends its money.