THE remains of a burnt scooter were discovered by a couple near Millhams Road in Bournemouth.

On a walk in the grasslands around Bournemouth Recycling Centre on September 19, Chole Smith and her partner stumbled across the skeleton of a burnt scooter at around 4.30pm.

Chloe made an effort to report it to police three times but was unsuccessful in doing so.

She said: "My partner and I found it yesterday afternoon. I made three attempts to report it to the police but every line we chose on the automated system didn’t seem interested in the act of vandalism.

"The poor scooter was burnt beyond any recognisable details for whoever it belongs too.

"The only thing me and my partner could make out was it was a Sinnis model of some sort."

A patch of grass was also visibly scorched, however, the scooter lay separate from the burnt area.

Dorset Police said it could find no record of the incident being reported.