A BOURNEMOUTH breastfeeding support group helping new mothers is celebrating one year.

Maddie’s Miracle Breastfeeding Community Group, hosted by Bournemouth Foodbank, gives mothers the opportunity to socialise while receiving support.

The group states that the UK has some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world due to lack of support and discriminations reasons.

Although breastfeeding has an element of instinct and reflex, the group said it is a learned skill and that in an ideal society it would be more integrated into our culture.

However, instead it is a skill that the healthcare system must invest in and prioritise.

Maddie’s Miracle Breastfeeding group was created by Zohar Marer after she experiences trauma due to lack of support.

“We help as many mothers, parents and babies at the intervention stage, avoiding physical and mental health issues, or the breakdown of families due to lack of breastfeeding support at the early stages,” said Zohar.

The Bournemouth group is led by lactation consultants Laine Perks, Lucinda Holman and Doula Angela Voisey.

The groups provide tea and cake while hosting a space for listening and nurturing.

The charity focuses on providing clarification and impartial support through evidence-based research.

Mothers have described the group as a “lifeline” and “lifesaving.”

The Maddie’s Miracle Bournemouth group also welcomes student midwives to deepen their knowledge of specialist support.

More information can be found on the Maddie’s Miracle website.