Hundreds of people across Dorset set out by foot, bike and horse, across the county in the hopes of raising thousands for charity.

The Ride and Stride for Churches event saw hundreds of eager participants from across the county cycle, walk and ride their way through Dorset to raise money towards the upkeep of such historic buildings. 

This big annual event is organised by the Dorset Historic Churches Trust and organisers hope to raise £100,000 to fund grants to historic church buildings in need of repair.

A spokesperson for the trust said: “We are very appreciative to the large numbers of walkers, cyclists and horse riders who set out to raise funds by travelling from church to church and then collecting sponsorship for their efforts.”

Some participants covered amazing distances, such as Peter Williams from Silton, who cycled 60 miles and visited 43 churches.

However, much shorter journeys also attracted very generous sponsorship ‘showing that people at all levels of fitness and ability were able to contribute to this annual event.’

Ride and StrideRide and Stride (Image: DHCT)

According to the trust, of the 400 churches in Dorset, 45 are listed Grade 1, the highest quality ancient buildings, and over 100 are listed Grade 2, meaning they are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.

The final total raised by the event will be announced later in the year when the parish which made the most impressive achievement will be awarded the Morshead Trophy.

If you would like to donate, visit: