A PAIR of female business owners have been left fearing for their safety and keeping a hammer near their checkout after an expensive vintage jacket was snatched from their store.

Owners of Jamboree & Kooky Too in Southbourne have resorted to keeping a hammer under their till following the incident.

Co-owner Ruth Perry said an £150 vintage leather men’s flying jacket was taken from the store while her part-time shop keeper was not looking.

“This guy walked in, very chatty, very lovely, said hello, exchanged a few words at the desk, and went for a wander around the shop,” said Ruth.

“Then we have the video of him reaching up to take the jacket down and then pulling something out of his bag.

“He pulled a cardboard box out of his bag, putting the jacket in his bag and then walking out with the cardboard box under his arm and the jacket in his bag.”

After putting CCTV images of the shoplifter on her social media, Ruth said she was “inundated” with messages from businesses in Christchurch who recognised him.

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“He's banned from the Christchurch town centre itself because of shoplifting.

“Every retailer in Christchurch seems to know him.

“I was getting regular updates of him because he was wearing the jacket he stole.”

Ruth added that the vintage jacket was the most expensive item her co-owner, Caron Rutter, had put out for sale in the shop.

“On a very, very quiet day in the winter, that can be the difference between taking money and not taking money.

“For small businesses, that's a massive amount of money to lose in one day.”

Following the incident, Ruth said her and Caron have become concerned about shoplifters becoming aggressive if challenged.

The pair store a toolbox under the till counter, with a hammer in easy reach if necessary.

“I have to say, the theft is increasing at a rate like I've never seen, and I've been in retail for 25 years.”

Now, the small business have been forced to keep their nicer items to online only and will not be showcasing them in the shop.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: “We have received a report that at around 2.50pm on Tuesday 10 September 2024 a man entered the Jamboree & Kooky Too shop in Portman Terrace in Southbourne and stole a leather jacket.

“Enquiries into the incident are ongoing.

“No arrests have been made.”