A POPULAR cat shop in Bournemouth has adopted a litter of kittens into its store.

Pause Cat Café in Bournemouth welcomed four rescue kittens from Dorset animal rescue, Waif’s and Stray’s.

It is estimated that the kittens were born in the beginning of July earlier this year and believed to be three months old. 

The four have been named Ellie, Eddie, Izzy and Lizzy.

(Image: Pause Cat Cafe)

On arrival, the kittens were given blankets that had been scented with the smell of Pause’s cats to encourage a natural bond and reduce the risk of possible aggression.

They have also been sheltered in a neutral area separate from the other habitant cats and customers to transition into the home.

Hilary Ford, who works at Waifs and Strays said: “It's lovely that 4 kittens get to stay together, it is always the hardest thing to see litter siblings go their separate ways.

“I always find it very sad, so I'm going to enjoy watching them develop together long term."

Matt Goodrum, co-director of the rescue said: “I'm very excited to be working more closely with the Pause team in the wonderful environment they have created, where the welfare and safety of the cats is paramount."

Chloe White, Pause Cat Café manager said: “It is a long and careful process, but worth the effort to ensure the happiness of the group long-term.

“We know people will be excited to meet them, so we are grateful for your patience while they settle in.

“During busier periods and weekends the kittens will be relaxing in their private ‘palace’, but you’ll be able to see through the window, and the original feline residents are sure to keep you entertained.”

The kitten family will be introduced slowly to the other cats and to customers from November, starting on quieter weekdays.

A rota of dedicated trained ‘kitten carers’ will ensure the new family’s safety as they start to meet visitors.

The kittens will be available to meet in November.

Pause Cat Café can be visited on Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth.