TWO friends on a camping trip found a man’s body in a woodland, who is believed to have died around five months earlier, an inquest heard.

Despite a thorough police investigation and a national appeal, the identity of the man remains unknown.

On Friday, June 30, 2023, two friends went camping and explored the woods on Rempstone Estate near Studland Bay.

Max Brickscott told Dorset Coroner’s Court in a statement that at around 7.30pm he and Jack O’Connell set up camp before adventuring further.

Jack had previously spotted a tent near the shoreline, and in a marshy area, so the pair went to investigate if it was still there at around 11pm.

Max said it was and after shaking and shouting towards it, he peeked inside and found cooking utensils, a small stove and an empty sleeping bag.

The next day the friends packed up camp to return to their car, on Ferry Road, when Max noticed a faint trodden path that had become overgrown.

He said he was curious and walked further up the bank where he saw a male figure in the trees and shouted ‘hello’, but had no response.

They then thought it may be a mannequin before seeing the figure was wearing a camouflaged coat, with trousers around his ankles and a grey beanie hat.

“That time we suddenly realised it wasn’t a mannequin or a scarecrow, it was actually a person,” said Max.

PC Stuart Wilson said the friends called police and showed them to the location in Chestnut Wood, Goathill Peninsula.

The nearby tent, which is believed to belong to the unknown male, contained a diary with photos, reference to Stoke-on-Trent and an entry dated on February 14, 2023, that said: “Goodbye Che.”

It also contained a sales receipt for camping equipment from Jurassic Outdoor and Camping in Swanage purchased on February 3, 2023.

However, due to the time that had passed, any CCTV footage had been overwritten.

Forensic examiners found that the male had a left eyebrow piercing, left ear lobe piercing and a pierced nipple.

He had multi-coloured tattoos on his right shoulder, right upper arm, both forearms, left upper leg and both lower legs.

He also had tattoos with the names ‘Tracey, Liam and Nile’.

Examination by consultant pathologist, Dr Albadry, found the male to be aged between 35 and 45.

Due to the level of decomposition, certain identification could not be completed.

The man’s DNA was not found on any police records, nationally or internationally.

Area coroner for Dorset, Brendan Allen, concluded at an inquest into his death on September 26, that the unknown male died from hanging as a result of suicide.

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