HAVING served as an independent councillor and Poole Charter Trustee from 2019-2023 and continually suggesting uses for Poole Civic Centre - the Grade 2 Listed building is yet again being viewed as a burden - rather than an asset.

BCP Council are good at spending money but not very creative with ideas of how to generate income.

However, there was a period when part of the building was being considered for use by the Dorset Coroner.

This idea was later dropped with no reason given to our Civic 'working group'.

The March 2023 full council was presented with an Outline Business Case for a hotel and adjacent multi storey housing blocks - using the Civic Centre building and car parks each side of Municipal Road. This felt more like two projects than one, with no public consultation.

Poole Civic Centre was purpose built in the 1930s for the people of Poole. The architecture and internal features are unique and beautiful - with a top floor that used to display art in the past.

It has been neglected since closure and faces deterioration if not used and repaired.

I feel that Poole Civic has been wilfully neglected to force the idea of a sale. With minimal internal change - Poole Civic could provide an ideal community, business and civic resource and venue - including weddings, conferences, exhibitions and training.

Perhaps a facility for nurse training in close proximity to Poole Hospital for practical nursing or horticultural skills with work opportunities in Poole Park.

I hope the public and the MP for Poole can have some influence.

Diana Butler

Nightjar Close,
