CROWDS gathered to help fulfil the dream of a terminally ill boy who wanted to set up a lemonade stand.

Eight-year-old Thomas Pearce from Bournemouth was diagnosed with terminal cancer in February of this year and has since been receiving life-prolonging treatment.

Friends of the family set up a GoFundMe to help Thomas with his wish to go to Disneyland. 

However, he is too unwell to travel.

To cheer him up, his family wanted to accomplish another one of his wishes, which was to set up a lemonade stand outside his house.

Thomas with his mum and dad Thomas with his mum and dad (Image: Submitted)

His mum, Louise, said: "He's been talking about setting up a lemonade stand for months now.

"We've been told we don't have a lot of time left with him and so we are just trying to do everything he wants."

The family said they were 'overwhelmed' with the response from the public, with hundreds of people stopping to grab a drink from Thomas.

(Image: Submitted)

Louise said: "There were people queuing down the street.

"Thomas was chatting with everyone and thanked them for coming to visit.

"He said it was the most amazing day he ever had."

Louise said she wasn't expecting to make money from the experience but was shocked by what people donated.

She added: "It was just so amazing the way the community pulled together, it has completely blown us away.

Speaking about Thomas, a family friend said: "He is so lovely, bubbly and really happy."

The lemonade stand was located outside the family's home in Barnes Crescent, where so many people turned up that the road was blocked.

Spider-Man paid Thomas a visit and enjoyed a glass of lemonade while also having to divert traffic because of the volume of people turning up to show their support.

(Image: Submitted)

Louise said over the summer, they have been 'lucky to do many of the things Thomas wanted to experience.'

In a bid to fulfil another one of his wishes, to visit a fancy hotel, a charity has organised a trip to a beach hotel and spa for this coming weekend.