I AM writing regarding the proposed closure of Bashley Road for six weeks.

I feel this will be catastrophic unless it is handled correctly as the end result could paralyse New Milton and Bashley village and cripple working people.

While I understand the gas works are necessary, I feel that closing the road during the day will be a disaster for New Milton businesses who are already struggling to survive and in Bashley Village I feel that the store, the garage, the nurseries and the football club might not survive.

How can health and safety be upheld when ambulances, fire engines and police will not be able to attend incidents in this area quickly due to the road closure?

I would like to suggest that the contractors only get contracts to operate from 6pm to 6am, like in any other country, and only the managers on site are permitted to have mobile phones, as when I pass other road works most of the workers are on their mobile phones and not working! These measures would minimise disruption to road users and maximise worker efficiency.

If this is not possible then is essential that one lane is open at all times, controlled by traffic lights, so that access can be gained safely.

As a Freeman of New Milton I feel that it is my responsibility to speak for the local people and do everything I can to help improve the local area.

I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the above proposal.

Sammy Miller MBE