FORTY homeless families in New Milton will soon be moving into new homes after New Forest District Council gave the green light to a new development in Ashley.

An earlier scheme drawn up by Barratt Homes of Southampton and Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society for the land at the eastern end of the Danesbury Meadow estate was withdrawn in February 2006 after opposition from local residents.

The revised scheme still had its opponents. The numerous objections included a 127-signature petition.

New Milton Town Council was happy with the proposal, though its representative Cllr Valya Schooling told the district council planning committee she was personally unhappy because of the extra traffic it would bring to Ashley Common Road.

The plans are for a block of four flats, 10 detached houses and 13 pairs of semi-detached houses.

Cllr Maureen Holding wanted to know if it was all social housing and was told it would be.

Council head of housing, Dave Brown, said there are more than 1,000 people on the housing waiting list. “This would provide homes for 40 people on that list and people have to show a local connection to be housed in New Milton,” he said.

Cllr Fran Carpenter was worried there were a lot of unresolved issues between the applicants and the planning department. She also wanted to see a detailed maintenance plan to ensure the estate would not become scruffy and run-down like some others.

Cllr Paul Hickman said there were 5,400 people in the district in housing need.

“I feel personally this should be taken up because everyone in the New Forest has a right to have a roof over their head,” he said.

Brockenhurst councillor Maureen Holding also wanted more issues resolved. She was also worried about the balance of housing in the area and said more provision should be made for young wage earners to buy.

Committee chairman Cllr Pat Wyeth pointed out there were 15 of the 40 homes proposed were destined for shared ownership.

Cllr Wyeth proposed the head of planning is authorised to give permission when he is satisfied with the details, but added they would have to be resolved within one month.