MY job normally involves trying face masks that are meant to help turn back time. But in this case I’ve been asked to try one that actually puts years on!

For – contrary to popular opinion – this is not a picture of me without make-up. This is one of the controversial scary pensioner masks that have been branded “deeply inappropriate” by a politician.

The masks, which are available in several designs for Halloween, are being sold at Woolworths for £5 each. According to the company, they’re meant to be just a bit of harmless fun.

But Liz Lynne, Liberal Democrat MEP for the West Midlands, is not laughing.

“I believe Woolworth’s decision to sell this mask is a deeply inappropriate one,” she said.

“At a time when there are serious issues affecting older people such as fuel poverty and social exclusion, it is wrong to make some of the most vulnerable people in our society the butt of a joke.

“Halloween is supposed to be a fun time but I think that the singling out of older people as something to either ridicule or be scared of is a step beyond traditional costumes and simply goes too far.”

The chain has now apologised for causing offence. A Woolworths spokeman said: “We firmly believe that Halloween is about fun and fantasy and in no way a reflection on real life.

“We have a range of masks that helps adults dress-up as different characters and enjoy Halloween parties.

“We apologise if any of them has caused offence. That certainly was not the intention and we will take on board feedback and comments.”

So – do you think they’re funny or offensive? We went out armed with a couple of masks to find out what some of Bournemouth’s senior citizens think.

Valerie Rumble said : “It’s a lot of fuss about nothing if you ask me and I get quite cross about it. We’re forever being told we can’t do this and we can’t do that. I don’t think they want people to have fun in this country anymore.”

Ann Bell agreed: “I don’t find them offensive at all. I think it’s just a bit of fun but there are always people who want to spoil it. I have an 11-year-old grandson so I know what children like. But they’re not allowed to do anything these days. They even try to stop them playing conkers.”

Ethel Fredyk said: “ I live on my own so I don’t really like Halloween. I don’t even open my door on Halloween night now. I wouldn’t like it if someone turned up on my doorstep wearing a mask, but I don’t think these ones are any worse than any others.”

Linda Hollows told us: “Some people might be scared by them but they don’t bother me. I have an 18-year-old grandson so perhaps if I was an elderly person without any young people in the family I might not be so happy about it.”