DOORS to the new Morrisons supermarket in Blandford have opened.

Town mayor, Sara Loch, cut a ceremonial ribbon flanked by Morrisons’ chief executive, Marc Bolland, and the store manager, Paul Miles, to open the store in Greyhound Square.

Cllr Loch said the reopening of the store, which has stood empty since the takeover of Safeway by the Bradford-based supermarket giant, was good news for the town.

“It’s a wonderful day for Blandford after the store has been closed for three years. The town council is extremely flattered that Morrisons chose its facilities for training,” said Miss Loch.

Local man, Paul Miles, has been appointed general manager, after managing six Morrisons supermarkets, including Ringwood and Verwood.

“Everybody around the town has been so keen that were coming. We started meeting people at recruitment days held at the Corn Exchange back in July. It’s nice to be wanted,” said Mr Miles.

Chief executive, Marc Bolland, said that of the 185 staff recruited locally for the store, 37 had previously been unemployed.

“We have always had a culture of getting people in who we can train as a matter of policy,” said Mr Bolland.

Kevin Martin was one new recruit anticipating his first day in a new job, having been recruited as a kiosk worker.

“I had been working at a local joinery, but people were struggling to get by – we wanted more hours. I thought this would be a good opportunity,” said Kevin.

Customers seemed delighted with their new store, with most saying they had chosen it in preference to Tesco at Stour Park.

Rachel Brownbridge, who lives in the town centre, said: “I’ve been dying for this place to open. I live in the town centre, but I’ve been going out of town to shop.”